King & Moffatt Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety

King & Moffatt Building Services is committed to the prevention of accidents and other unplanned events though the operation of a safety management system that prioritises planning, communication, risk assessment, effective control strategies and continuous improvement.

Our safety management system is based on many years’ experience in the construction industry. This system has been assessed and certified to ISO45001 standard and by the CIF resulting in the award of the Safe-T Cert .

Our Health and Safety Policy aims to:

  • Comply at a minimum, with all applicable legislation and continually improve our Health and Safety standards
  • Ensure that our employees and sub-contractors are aware of and implement the company’s Health and Safety Policies
  • Ensure that our company provides healthy and safe workplaces for all employees and sub-contractors
  • Ensure all our company employees and sub-contractors work in a safe manner as mandated by law and best practice
  • Employ persons who are competent in the work for which they are engaged
  • Provide training, re-training, instruction and supervision in a form, manner and as appropriate language that is reasonably likely to be understood by the employee concerned to enable employees to perform their work safely, effectively and without risk to health
  • Make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and maintain work equipment and proper tools to work with.
  • Employees in our company must recognise that they have responsibilities for their own health and safety and that their activities can impact on the Health and Safety of others.
  • Accordingly, we require our employees to comply with the company’s safety policy and procedures to provide a safe working environment
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