Energy efficiency is on everyone’s agenda in the current climate – whether you operate a manufacturing facility, are a main contractor in construction or provide design services for projects. We’re all familiar with the raft of related legislation and regulations and it’s clear that in the context of a heavily regulated environment, it makes sense to address this issue in a comprehensive way – sooner rather than later.
However many businesses want to go further than purely meeting their legal obligations and from a commercial perspective energy efficiency has clear cost benefits. Strong communications on a commitment to energy efficiency also reflects well on your brand. So many people welcome the introduction of one of the latest international standards, ISO 50001 which has been established to direct businesses in implementing best practice in relation to energy management systems (EnMS). It provides a robust, proven process that can be used to drive efficiencies and deliver real results on an ongoing basis for businesses that commit to achieving this standard.
ISO 50001 has purposefully been developed so that it can be easily integrated with other related standards that deal with issues such as waste management, health and safety systems and quality controls. This is essential as most organisations embracing this new standard are likely to have some if not all of these ISO standards in situ already so it’s essential that any new energy management system seamlessly integrates with existing processes.
The Requirements of an ISO 50001 Energy Management System
The requirements are set out very clearly in the documentation and King & Moffatt has specialist expertise in this area, having established an Energy Monitoring Services Division last year. This expertise, combined with our electrical mechanical engineering skills, enables us to provide many of the solutions that will assist your business in achieving this standard, including highly effective energy management services.
A brief overview of the requirements are as follows;
- Develop and implement procedures to benchmark and monitor energy use in the organisation.
- Document a detailed energy policy, with goals and a plan to achieve these goals.
- Maintain documentation and records
- Have an established process to lean about new legislation, to educate the team on this and to implement any requirements across the company in a compliant manner.
- Invest in the necessary resources to manage energy use effectively.
- Have a robust system of controls in place to manage existing and future energy use.
- Assess the effectiveness of the energy management systems itself, not just the energy usage.
- Apply best practice in respect of energy efficiency across all functions in the organisation.
- Develop auditing procedures which should be reviewed by the management team at appropriate intervals.
King & Moffatt’s Energy Monitoring Services Division.
The cost-saving and environmental benefits of energy efficiency are long-established so it’s no surprise that there is considerable interest in the construction industry in achieving certification to ISO 50001. Given our electrical and mechanical engineering experience, it was a natural extension of our services to set up our Energy Monitoring Services Division – to offer customers the kind of specialist support they will need to address the requirements of this standard.
Our expert team can help you to identify energy-use KPIs, to agree objectives, to monitor and track performance and to access the information needed on a timely basis to manage the process effectively. We can also help to up-skill your team to manage the systems in an efficient manner.
Contact us to learn more – we look forward to your call.