The concept of pre-fabrication and plug-and-play building is well established in the construction sector however it is relatively new when it comes to wiring and cabling on construction projects. This work would traditionally all have taken on place on-site however there is a move now towards modular wiring systems whereby the entire system is already connected to a large extent and it is then simply plugged-in on-site.
This new approach in electrical engineering is gaining attention globally and large-scale high-profile projects like the Olympic Stadium in the UK have brought the process to prominence.
Construction companies and clients alike are in the business of saving time and money and modular wiring systems look set to do both. This is why specifiers are showing a keen interest in embracing this approach and the idea that the system will deliver complete reliability on-site – having been connected and tested off-site during the pre-fabrication stage – is a compelling concept for those involved in the industry that are well aware of the time needed and the delays that can be caused when this type of testing is done on-site, as has been standard practice in the past.
King & Moffatt have employed this system successfully on a number of projects and we found the key advantages included;
- Speed of installation – we’re all working under huge time pressures and the idea that any of the electrical engineering work can be done more efficiently holds huge appeal, in particular when contracts are now subject to penalty clauses for delays. It’s anticipated that modular wiring systems will deliver a better performance in terms of contractual obligations and this time and money benefit – for all involved – is a key driver towards the pre-fabricated model.
- Optimise the use of electrician’s skills – while the construction sector has seen a lot more activity in recent years, it is anticipated that further growth is likely and one of the main challenges facing the industry is the shortage of tradespeople like electricians. In this context modular wiring systems offer a significant advantage in that they require fewer electricians to be on-site and therefore the need to tie up these valuable resources is minimised – as the system should simply require plug-and-play support.
- Similarly, because the whole system will have been tested and run off-site, there is no need for snagging or further testing on-site and the modular wiring system will have been built in a safe, planned environment where the applicable standards of work can be stringently applied. This results in fewer variations in work standards and robust Health and Safety practices.
A recent article in the Electrical Times in the UK concluded that modular wiring systems ae the face of the future and they will enable the industry to move with the times, improving productivity and minimising snagging.
King & Moffatt’s Modular Wiring Systems Success
Our experienced team have specialist expertise in modular wiring systems. We can deliver all the benefits of this approach outlined in the article above – for your project – through our stream-lined, proven process. You can have every confidence in a successful outcome and we can put you in touch with clients to discuss our approach in working with modular wiring systems.
Contact us now for more information.