Advantages of BIM for M&E Contractors
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is described as the digital representation of the functional and physical characteristics of a facility – it facilitates a shared source of knowledge about the building and its uses over time. M&E contractors like King & Moffatt are embracing this approach to deliver efficiencies for clients.
What is Building Information Modelling?
Building Information Modelling is a process, not just more sophisticated software and it represents a new way of doing things that is more collaborative. Where as traditional CAD involves 2D line based drafting, which itself has no inherent intelligence. BIM ensures the creation of viable co-ordinated documentation. BIM is data rich creating a virtual 3d model of the project, and then recording this model in a single database. It is used as a central planning and reference tool by all the stakeholders involved in the project throughout its life cycle. Therefore it plays a key role in Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).
Why Choose BIM
BIM is chosen to deal with different design challenges that cannot be fixed with regular 2d or CAD software. M&E contractors will want the design team designated to a project to be able to create an accurate physical model. This design model is needed to ensure that the project is meeting the design intent and objectives as if not, the M&E contractors may end up re-doing work or delaying progress. With this software and it’s analytical feedback, the entire team can visualise the project, and each stakeholder has visibility across all the work to be done and their role and contribution to a successful completion of the project. Thus BIM can ultimately help clients to save cost, add value and it provides important information such as energy use, carbon emissions, health and safety considerations etc.
For M&E Contractors the advantages are clear
- BIM provides efficient distribution and management of project information.
- BIM aids with streamlining work processes in construction.
- It allows for improvements in programme productivity and quality.
BIM has proven to be a more sustainable model of building procurement, addressing many issues which arise from less cohesive, less co-ordinated project management approaches. For example BIM addresses some of the traditional challenges in construction, such as co-ordination errors, wasted material and labour inefficiencies.
Reports from Stanford University Centre for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) have indicated benefits such as:
- Up to 7% reduction in project time
- 80% reduction in time taken to generate a cost estimate.
- Cost accuracy within 3%
Based on our own experience of BIM to date, we believe those predictions were accurate. There is no doubt but that BIM is the future of design and will be wholly embraced by M&E contractors for many years to come.
There are some considerations in terms of the costs associated with embracing BIM and these include
- Training and upskilling the team
- Investment in software and hardware
- Development of library of resources/components
If you are interested in working with us and would like to hear about our extensive expertise in BIM – please do contact us now. We look forward to your call.